DCC Settings How-To
DCC Settings are available in the DCC Settings pane which is linked to from the Dashboard pane of Foo IRC.
Full Overview

Ignore DCC Chat Requests: The client will automatically ignore all incoming DCC chat requests. Default: Off
Ignore DCC Send Requests: The client will automatically ignore all incoming DCC send requests. Default: Off
Auto Accept Chat Requests: The client will automatically accept DCC chat request and attempt to establish a DCC chat session. Default: Off
Auto Accept Send Requests: The client will automatically accept DCC send request and attempt to establish a DCC send session. A Default Save Location must be set. Default: Off
Use Old Turbo DCC Handshake: When establishing a Turbo DCC connection, the client will use the TSEND keyword instead of SEND. Default: Off
Use Default Save Location: Instead of prompting for a save location for every request, the Default Save Location will be used. Default: Off
Default Save Location: The folder location to automatically saved received files when Use Default Save Location is on.
File Name Collision Action: If the folder to save a received DCC file already has a file with the same name, this option will be used to determine whether the new file should automatically be renamed or replaced, or if you should be prompted for a decision. Default: Prompt
Notify When Transfers Complete: Shows a toast notification when a DCC transfer is completed or aborted. Default: On
Clear Completed Transfers: Automatically DCC file transactions from the DCC Transfers view if they complete successfully. Default: Off
Use Send Ahead: The client will not wait for block received acknowledgements before sending further file blocks, resulting in faster transfers. Default: On
Limit Received File Size: If enabled, files above the Max Received File Size bytes will be rejected from being received. Default: On
Max Received File Size *bytes*: Files larger than this number of bytes will automatically be rejected if Limit Received File Size is enabled. Default: 50 MB
Send Block Size *bytes*: The number of bytes of a file to send in each transfer block when Use Send Ahead is disabled and Turbo DCC is not in use. Default: 4 KB
Use Default Address: If enabled, the Default Host Address will be sent as your IP address in DCC request instead of the client trying to determine your IP address. Default: Off
Default Host Address: The client will send this as your IP address if Use Default Address is enabled.
Use Address From IRC Server: The client will use the external IP for you reported by the IRC server you are connected to rather than network information reported by the OS. This is especially important if you are behind a router because the IP reported by the OS will probably be your internal network IP which cannot be used by remote users to establish a DCC connection. Default: On
Randomize Ports: A random port number between Min Host Port and Max Host Port will be chosen as the port to listen for DCC connections on and sent in DCC requests instead of incremental port numbers. Default: On
Min Host Port: When deciding which port to request and listen for a DCC connection on, the port chosen must be equal to or higher than this. Default: 51000
Max Host Port: When deciding which port to request and listen for a DCC connection on, the port chosen must be equal to or lower than this. Default: 59999
Max DCC Sessions: The maximum number of DCC connections (CHAT and SEND) allowed to be active simultaneously. When reached, no further DCC connections will be allowed to be established until the number of active connections drops. Default: 7
Max DCC Transfers: The maximum number of DCC transfers allowed to be active simultaneously. When reached, no further DCC transfers will be allowed to be established until the number of active connections drops. Default: 1
Host Connection Timeout *sec*: The amount of time to wait for receiving a DCC connection before aborting due to no connection being established. Default: 60