IRC View How-To


How to connect to a server?

When the app is first opened, the Connect pane is shown. Tapping "New Server..." allows you to join a server that is not yet saved in the client. Once a server is saved, it is shown under "New Server...". Tapping the name of the server connects to the server immediately, while tapping the the edit icon allows you to change the server's settings before connecting. Once the IRC View is opened, you can re-access the Connect pane by first tapping the hamburger button, then tapping the "New Connection" item.


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, you can type "/server <your server hostname>" to connect a IRC server. This will use your default server settings for the server's connection information. Other connection settings can be set in the command by placing the parameter name of the setting followed by the value if it need one. For example "/server -serverHostname <your server hostname> -port <the port number> -serverpassword <the server password>"

The following parameters are supported: -serverHostname - The hostname of the server. -name - The name of the server as stored in the saved server settings. If this is used, all of the saved settings for that server is used unless otherwise specified. -port - The port of the IRC server. -serverpassword - The server password. -nickname - The nickname to use on the server. -username - The username to use on the server. -nickservusername - The username to use when automatically authenticating with Nickserv. -nickservpassword - The password to use when automatically authenticating with Nickserv. -ignoreCertificateErrors - Whether to ignore SSL certificate error if any occur. (true or false) -useSSL - Whether to use SSL when connecting. (true or false) -useSASL - Whether to authenticate with nickserv using SASL. (true or false) -enableIdent - Enable an ident server while connecting. -encoding - The text encoding to use. -autoJoinChannels - Comma separated list of channels to join once connected.


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, you can type "/serverurl irc://>IRC URL hostname and parameters>" to connect a IRC server. See for more details.

How to disconnect from a server?

On the IRC View, Tap and hold the server on the Server List Bar and hit "Close".


On the IRC View, open the AppBar and tap "Close Connection".


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, type "/quit" to disconnect.

How to join a channel?

The join dialog is accessible using the "Join Channel" button on the IRC View's Appbar. The dialog allows you join new or saved channels on any of the server you are connected to.


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, type "/join #<channel name>" to join the given channel.

How to leave a channel?

On the IRC View, tap and hold the channel in the Channel List and hit "Close".


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, you can type "/part #<channel name>" to leave the given channel.

How to switch to a different server?

On the Server List of the IRC View, hit the desired server to switch to. If you can't see all of the servers due to the number of servers you are connected to, (touch screen) swipe left or right over.


(Touch screen) Depending on the order of the servers, near the center of the app on the IRC View, use your finger to swipe left or right until you see sections for your desired server.


(Desktop) Depending on the order of the servers, near the center of the app on the IRC View, use a mouse with a horizontal scroll wheel to scroll the screen left or right until you see sections for your desired server.

How to switch to view a different IRC View section (channel list, messages, user list)?

Swiping left or right on the body of IRC View switches to the IRC View Section (Channel List, Message Section, etc.) to the left or right of the current section.

How to switch to a different channel?

On the Channel List of the IRC View, hit the desired channel to switch to.

How to send a private message?

On the User List for a selected channel on the IRC View, double-tap the nickname of the user you want to private message. The messages section of Private Message View will direct all messages enter to the selected user.


Using the text box for a Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View, type "/privmsg <their nickname> <some message>" to private message the given user. This opens the Private Message View showing the message that you sent to the user. The messages section of the Private Message View will direct all messages enter to the selected user.

How to view all channels available on a server?

On the IRC View's AppBar, tap the Open Channel List item.


Using the text box for a Console View, Channel View, or Private Message View, enter "/list" to open the Server Channel List.

How to pin a server to the start screen/menu?

On the IRC View, switch to the server that you want pinned. Open the AppBar and tap the Pin button.

How to use auto-suggestions?

Auto suggestions are shown below the textbox of the Server Console, Channel, or Private Message View and above the suggestions provided by the OS's keyboard when typing a word beginning with characters '/', '\', '#', and '@' for known IRC commands, text format codes, channels, or nicknames respectively. Continue to type the word you want until a suggestion matches the word you want. Then, tap the word in the auto suggestion bar to automatically fill in the rest of the word.

Commands: Suggested commands are those that are common IRC commands, added on the OUT stream using Auto Actions, or added using aliases.

Text Format Codes: Suggested text format codes are special characters that cause supporting IRC clients to display the entered text bolded, italicized, underlined, or colored.

Channels: Suggested channels are those that are saved in the settings for the current server in view or that you are currently joined to.

Nicknames: Suggested nicknames are those of users that are in the current channel in view. Tapping a suggested nickname removes the '@' from the beginning of the nickname. This suggestion is only available on the Channel View.

How to encrypt using FiSH encryption?

Foo IRC supports FiSH encryption using ECB or CBC as the cipher mode. Encryption can be activated for a channel or private message view using the /transform command and deactivated using the /untransform command.

/transform <channel or user name> <-optionName value>

/untransform <channel or user name>

/transform command options: -method - Use 'fish' for FiSH encryption -mode - Use 'cbc' or 'ecb'. If no mode is specified, 'cbc' is used as default. -key - The key to use for encryption outgoing messages and decrypting incoming messages. Optional if both -inkey and -outkey are set. -inkey - The key to use for decrypting incoming messages. Optional if -key is set. -outkey - The key to use for encrypting outgoing messages. Optional if -key is set.

Examples Enable FiSH encryption for the current channel or private message view: /transform -key hello -mode ecb -method fish

Enable FiSH encryption for a specific channel or private message view: /transform #channelName -key hello -mode ecb -method fish

Disable FiSH encryption for the current channel or private message view: /untransform

Disable FiSH encryption for a specific channel or private message view: /untransform #channelName

How to connect to a local hostname?

UWP apps require a loopback exemption in order to connect to local hostnames. To add a permanent exemption, follow the instructions below:

  1. Close Foo IRC
  2. Open Powershell
  3. Run in powershell: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="62199synfron.fooirc_f5vwe4t7vzxt6
  4. Open Foo IRC and connect to local server.


Hamburger/Main Menu button: This is the contextual button that remains on the top corner of the screen except under certain circumstances. Depending on how deep you are in navigation, this might also be a back button or an X to close.

Pane: Except for the IRC View and the Auto Action Editor, every interface that Foo IRC has is opened as a pane. On larger screens, it is a overlay over a page which display on the side of the screen. On small screens, the panes look like pages since they cover the full screen.

Dashboard pane: The Dashboard pane, also called the Main Menu, is the first pane that is opened when you tap the hamburger (menu) button when no pane is already open. Most other panes are accessible from this menu.

IRC View: This page opens when you connect to an IRC server. This shows page shows the Channel List, Messages Section, User List, and Server List for all of the servers you are connected to.

Server Console View: Another name for the IRC View when the Server's Console is selected on the Channel List.

Channel View: Another name for the IRC View when a channel is selected on the Channel List.

Private Message View: Another name for the IRC View when a private message is selected on the Channel List.

Section Switcher: The bar below the Server List Bar and above the IRC View Sections area that allows switching between the various IRC View Sections for the current server.

IRC View Section: IRC View Sections are located in the body of the IRC View and shows the Channel List, Messages Section, etc. of servers the client is connected to.

Appbar: The Appbar pops up at the bottom of the screen on the IRC View when you tap the ellipses at the bottom or side (landscape mode on Mobile) of the screen. Panes and other pages may have an appbar as well which may look similar but have different options.

Charms bar: The Charms bar is a Windows 8.x/RT sidebar which shows up on the left of the screen when move the mouse to the right corner of the screen then down (desktop), swipe from the right edge of the screen (tablets), or using hotkeys Winkey + C.

Channel List: The Channel List is a IRC View Section or bar on the IRC View. It shows a tappable list of all of the channels you are currently joined to, the server's Console, and the Server Channel List if opened. Depending on the settings, the Channel list can be a section listing channels vertically in the body of the IRC View (default) as a IRC View Section, or listed horizontally near the top of the screen as a bar.

User List: The User List is a IRC View Section located in the body of the IRC View. It shows all users joined to the channel currently selected on the Channel List.

Server List Bar: The Server List Bar is a horizontal list of servers you are currently connected to near the top of the IRC View.

Server Channel List: The Server Channel List is a IRC View Section that shows a list of all channels created on the IRC server. The Server Channel List opens on the IRC View when you send the "/list" command to the server.

Messages Section: The messages section is a IRC View Section located in the body of the IRC View. It shows the messages for the currently selected channel, console, or private message.

Console: Shows messages sent from the server that aren't handled elsewhere. This is not to be confused with the Auto Actions Console.

Bar file: The name of Auto Action script files. These are stored by Foo IRC as .bar files.